After featuring in a recent edition of the Faith Fanzine, bona fide House legend Mike Dunn touches down and heads south for the Faith Brighton party on 11 September. Faith and LHM’s Stuart Patterson was lucky enough to grab a few minutes with Mike who spoke candidly about recent times, music and what’s to come.
FAITH – How did you spend your times during lockdown, a lot of producer/DJs got really busy in the studio, you seemed to have a lof of output over the last 18th months, was a lot of that produced pre pandemic?
Mike Dunn – Mostly I spent my time taking care of my girl as she was sick. Unfortunately she passed away due to cancer in March, but for the most part I was taking care of my girl and doing a lot of streaming. You know, we started out on Facebook and kept getting knocked off of that, then Instagram and kept getting knocked off of that, then we found Twitch that allowed us to stay on, play our music and do a stream and still doing it to this day. It’s every Friday and my show’s called ‘The Friday Night Git Down’. I was in the studio as much as I could be, trying to get a lot of music done for my up coming album on Defected/Glitterbox/Classic. Not sure where it’s gonna land but that’s what I was basically doing.
FAITH – We recently featured you in Faith fanzine but this is the first time you will have played a Faith party, can you let us know a couple of tracks that were released during pandemic that you will definitely be playing in Brighton on the 11th?
Mike Dunn – Yes this will be my first Faith party I’m playing and I’m extremely happy about that. A couple of tracks that I released during the pandemic that I’ll definitely be playing in Brighton, the Mousse T remix of ‘If I Can’t Get Down’ and the unreleased track that im working on right now with Defected. I originally started the track out as an intro track for Terry (Hunter) when we played out, as we have a little thing we do together called House N’HD (house Hunter and Dunn). I did it as an intro track so that we’d have something to play once we started off the party, but I’ve been playing it out and people have gravitated towards it, so I decided to make it a full track, so I’ll definitely be playing that. But, for me DJing, I feed off the crowd so nothing is ever planned, I don’t go in to a party thinking i’m gonna play this and that, I play a few tracks and see how the crowds taking it and if that’s not the vibe they’re on today, I’ll go another way and then go ok so this is what they are feeling. So nothing’s ever planned when im spinning, I just feed of the energy of the crowd and the people in the party.
FAITH – What’s coming up for rest of 2021 and in 2022 now we are hopefully over the worst of the Covid pandemic?
Mike Dunn – As I mentioned before im working on my Glitterbox album with Defected and I’ll be over at Defected while i’m in London, writing and producing for two weeks. That I’m real excited about, as well as some remixes and some other stuff I don’t wanna let the cat out of the bag just yet. For the most part just working on this album and looking to get a really dope album together that you can play in the club as well as the car and at home. A very diverse musical album, so that’s the plan!
We look forward to returning to the south coast for another Faith party, they really are something special. Do not miss out, get your ticket below. You can also order the current Faith Fanzine from Defected here.